Facebook Introduces #Hashtags to its Users

After enabling Twitter like ‘Verified'’ feature,now Facebook is introducing clickable Hashtags to its users.
After enabling ‘Verified’ feature like Twitter, now Facebook is introducing clickable Hashtags to its users. Currently Hashtags (#) are being used in social Medias like Twitter, Instagram, Google+, and some other services. It helps a user to locate the trending topics which are being discussed heavily over the site, and allow them to search for them quickly with super ease.

Hashtags is also helpful when a user or an organization needs to promote/highlight a product, an event, an issue or an incident, as the Hashtags will give an option to start a trend over the site and catch many more eyes easily.

On Wednesday the social networking king Facebook Inc. published a post in its official blog. In that post it said that very soon users will be able to click a hashtag to check what other users are discussing on that particular topic. As for example suppose you type a sign (#) in front of “Microsoft”, “Apple” or “Messi”, then the words will automatically turn into clickable links that will lead the users to all the discussions about Microsoft, Apple or Messi.

Facebook explained that hashtags are just its first step in order to carry forward its mission to make it easier for the users to check, search or follow what others are talking about. It will help them to connect and to stay updated with the trending topics for sure. Business organizations might use this to promote their new products or a special event, while film stars might use it to promote their new films or shows via this. Even the normal users will also be able to set a trend by starting hashtagging commonly discussable topics.

The social networking giant didn’t give any hint whatsoever on what other tools it might introduce in days to come. We are hoping that there are many more in its carts for sure. According to web experts business minded Facebook is very much likely to incorporate its hashtags into its advertising business. Twitter is becoming an advertising broadcasting medium anyway be successfully incorporating its hashtags.

Greg Lindley, who is the Product Manager for hashtags at Facebook, wrote in the blog post, “We'll continue to roll out more features in the coming weeks and months, including trending hashtags and deeper insights, that help people discover more of the world's conversations."

Users’ need to check their privacy settings while hashtagging something. Suppose you have enabled that your post can only be read by your friends and you put a hashtag on that post, then it will visible to your friends only and it won’t show up for anyone who is not in your friend list.

Facebook assured that it will surely make the ‘clickable hashtags’ available to users in the weeks to come. It has to be mentioned here that though Facebook haven’t yet launched hashtags yet, many people have already started using them as they were overly accustomed due to the courtesy of Twitter, Instagram etc. Now users are eagerly waiting for the day when their beloved Facebook will make the hashtags clickable to them.
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