Why Word Press is Better than BlogSpot

It is always a confusing state for almost all newbie bloggers to choose the right blogging platform for them. Though, most suggested platforms are Blog Spot, word press, Tumblr etc. Now, when we talk about creating a blog from professional point of view then word press is always a better choice. There are so many things which you can only do with a self hosted word press blog but on a Blog Spot blog you have to face some limitations.

Since, both the word press and Blog Spot offer free blogging platforms to every blogger which is really an advantage for the newbie to start his blogging career but it is not the best choice. As a blogger you should know about the limitations of using free blogging platforms. If you are using any one of these platforms then read this article carefully to know about the limitations of free blogging platforms over self hosted word press blog.

As I mentioned Blog Spot is a good blogging platform to start your blogging career but in long run of blogging, self hosted blog is what you should select.  Here are some major points of word press dash board which I am going to mention, that will clearly explain the advantage of word press over Blog Spot.

Control over your blog:

Control over blog is one of the major factors that's why I support self hosted blog. Blog Spot is owned by Giant company Google and there might always a chance that they can delete your Blog Spot account without giving you any such notification. The case is quiet same even when you use custom domain feature. The chances are high that if spammers use feature flag as spam and report your blog as spam the Google might remove your blog. This is the common issue faced by so many successful Blog Spot bloggers and by  doing a quick search on Google, you will realize many bloggers faced this problem.

Search Engine Optimization:

The first thing which every blogger look for is traffic regardless of where the blog is hosted. In simple words search engine optimization means optimizing your blog for search engines and getting traffic from search engine. When you compare word press and Blog Spot then you will see word press offers more options and plugins to optimize your blog for major search engines where as in Blog Spot, you are limited to certain SEO setting.

Plugins and Support:

Word press consists of features like Plugins and a strong community for support and help. For example, on Blog Spot you have to spend a lot of time editing your theme to show related posts and adding such features but word press makes your blogging easy using simple plugins for everything you need.


You can consider it as human perception of tendency that most of the people does not see Blog Spot with good eye. One of the common reason behind this fact is it’s free and mass number of people are using Blog Spot for Black Hat SEO, spamming and for affiliate landing pages for their blog or websites too. But in case of self hosted word press blog things are different and people thinks that the guy has paid for the service and he is serious about his blog.

Reselling Your Blog:

If you want to sell your blog then blog spot is a bad choice for you. Google strictly doesn’t allow reselling of Blog Spot blogs but you can always resell your self hosted blog.
So these are the factors that makes word press better than that of Blog Spot. Also, word press keeps updating and releasing its new versions which comes with some extra added features and functionality but on Blog Spot, there are very few updates which happens over the time.

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